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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
作詞 Herbie Yamaguchi/Lenny Zakatek 
作曲 Tomoyasu Hotei
All I can see is Black and White,
All I can see is East and West,
All I can see is Left and Right,
All I can see is Rich and Poor
down there.

All I can see is Love and Hate,
All I can see is Peace and War,
All I can see is Strong and Weak,
All I can see is Joy and Pain
down there.

Why can't you see? Don't let it be.
Set yourself free.

How could they play with these materials?

All I can see is Black and White,
All I can see is East and West,
All I can see is Love and Hate,
All I can see is Joy and Pain
down there.

Why can't you see? Don't let it be.
Set yourself free.

How could they play with these materials?

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オリコンミュージックストアで 布袋寅泰さん『MATERIALS』をダウンロードする


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